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Zion is proud to have establish a Faith based Youth Soccer league in the Coal River Area in 2019! Zion is a faith based Christian organization that strives to keep Christ at the center of all our projects. Please keep in mind that having the Christian faith is not a requirement to be rostered in our leagues, however we do ask that you respect our rules in which many will be influenced by such. Soccer is another great sport that kids can learn the basics of teamwork and also grow in their athletic ability. One of our goals in establishing this league is to make the registration fees as affordable as possible while still being able to plan for future growth of the league. We understand the importance of youth sports and how it brings the community together while at the same time allowing our kids an outlet to stay active and involved. We look forward to opening up registration soon!

Where will our games be held and what day?

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All our games will be held at our Clear Fork/Sycamore location. All games will be on Saturdays including tournaments. Seeing that our location here is much larger than most areas the majority of practices will be held here too, however each team will be able to choose their location as long as it meets any safety standards required by our insurance.

Field Restoration

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One goal we have before season begins is to get the property and fields in better condition for safer & more comfortable game days. We understand the need for a smoother field, better seating, power restoration, restrooms, and many more details. We will work as we are able to tackle these task with the help of community members.

Registration Fees

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Registration fees for many other soccer leagues are expensive! We will do our best to lower the cost of these fees but please keep in mind that in order to run an organized and safe soccer league these items will be considered and these fees will go towards these items:

1. Uniform
2. Goals for Multiple games
3. First Aid
4. Referees (Possibly Volunteer Refs our first year)
5. Coaches Background Checks
6. Field expense
7. Required Insurance

We want to make registration affordable of $25. We will also have league fundraisers to hep out with the expenses of the league so we can keep registration affordable.


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We want the safety of our kids to come first! Please understand that we know the condition of the fields and buildings are our first priority in making sure we have a safe season for the kids, coaches, and families!

*We intend to hire a licensed contractor/electrician to reinstate power to the fields for safer use. This might be a tougher task than anticipating due to the fact that everything must be up to code and installed correctly, however this is a goal we have for this location.

*We intend to look into getting a quote on the cost of having running water and also building restrooms for convenience. This is also another costly item that could take more time than desired but please know this is a future goal as well.

What are the ages for the league?

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Registration Ages will go from the ages of 3 years old up through High School, however this also depends on having enough in each age group to meet roster requirements to have several teams in that specific age division.

Leadership Teams

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Each league that Zion WV organizes and sustains has a Leadership Team that keeps the league in operation and works directly with Zion to manage and support the league. If you would like to be apart of the Youth Soccer leagues Leadership team please take a few seconds to let us know! Thanks for taking the step to better your community!

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Zion WV, Inc.
“Build People…Build Communities”