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“J Club” is an after school program provided by Zion that is faith based. Christmas is a special time for the kids in which they received a gift personally from Santa, as well as hear the true reason for the season. If your child attends Clear Fork, Fairdale, Marsh Fork, or Whitesville Elementary they are eligible to sign up for a free gift from Santa. Please make sure to register your child by clicking here.
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Want to get more involved in your community? Check out the Zion Youth Basketball league. This league is evolved and centered around Christ with the intention to promote community involvement for the youth of our area. We have been able to take the league to around 250 kids involved with Basketball and Cheer. If you are looking for more information about our Basketball league for the Coal River and surrounding areas please visit our dedicated website for the Zion Youth Basketball League. Click Here
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Zion WV, Inc.
“Build People…Build Communities”